September 2024

Electric Vehicle Adoption Among Hawaiʻi’s Biggest Gasoline Users Could Save Them Millions and Reduce Emissions at the Same Time

A report released earlier this month identifies a high-impact strategy for Hawaiʻi’s clean energy future: targeting gasoline “superusers.” The report, titled “Power Pivot — Transitioning Hawaiʻi Gasoline Superusers to Electric Vehicles,” demonstrates how addressing this small but key group of drivers could dramatically help those most economically burdened by gasoline expenses and reduce the state’s overall fuel consumption while accelerating its transition to cleaner transportation.

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"We are continually encouraged by the many Hawaii residents each doing their part in advancing the resiliency of our state by purchasing local food, embracing renewable projects in their community, or choosing an electric vehicle over an internal-combustion model — even foregoing a car trip altogether in favor of riding a bus or bike."