Wai Maoli: Fresh Water Initiative
Non Profit
Hawaii Community Foundation
Why We Invested
To support Hawaii freshwater security and ensure best-practice management of resources
The Wai Maoli: Fresh Water Initiative addresses the important issue of freshwater security, ensuring a sustainable, plentiful and cost-effective freshwater supply for all of Hawaii’s needs.
Our Partner
Established in 2013, the Wai Maioli: Fresh Water Initiative is a multi-year effort to address the increasing threats to the state’s fresh water security. It is designed to proactively address and resolve water supply issues. It gathered stakeholders from all sides of the issue — agriculture, private landowners, scientists and government officials -- to convene as a Fresh Water Council, which resulted in a “roadmap” called A Blueprint for Action published in 2015.
How We Partnered
Grant support provided through the Ulupono Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation
“Hawaii is receiving less rainfall every year as our demand for fresh water is likely to grow with increases in population and local agriculture production. The Fresh Water Initiative is a important collaborative attempt to get in front of the curve. With input from a diversity of stakeholders, we’re finding solutions to water supply that will work for all parties.”