Power Pivot: Transitioning Hawai‘i Gasoline Superusers to Electric Vehicles



Why We Invested

A report released in September 2024 identifies a high-impact strategy for Hawaiʻi’s clean energy future: targeting gasoline “superusers.” The report, titled “Power Pivot — Transitioning Hawaiʻi Gasoline Superusers to Electric Vehicles,” demonstrates how addressing this small but key group of drivers could dramatically help those most economically burdened by gasoline expenses and reduce the state’s overall fuel consumption while accelerating its transition to cleaner transportation.

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Released by Ulupono Initiative and Coltura, the paper focuses on these superusers, which account for approximately 65,000, or 6.8%, of the state’s drivers. The superusers have extensive and costly driving habits, often exceeding 40,000 miles annually, compared to the non-superusers average of 8,500 miles annually. Collectively, these superusers consume nearly 26% of Hawaiʻi’s gasoline.