Grow Hawaii

Non Profit

Hawaii Association of Independent Schools and the Hawaii Departments of Education and Agriculture

Local Food Production

Why We Invested

To provide hands-on learning in school gardens

An outgrowth of Grow Hawaii, these school gardens were a pilot project using small scale agriculture to introduce youth to what it takes to grow food.

Organizing and supporting gardens in select schools serve four main purposes. First, it’s an agriculture and environmental education tool.  Second, the children learn by doing.  hird, it develops a taste for locally grown, healthy food. And fourth, it puts more produce on school cafeteria tables.

Our Partner

Grow Hawaii was a three-year effort (2010-2013) designed to have a meaningful impact on food behavior and build capacity among school chefs at private, public and charter schools using garden programs as the leverage point for change. Grow Hawaii was a project of the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools, which includes large and small private and independent schools, in partnership with the Hawaii Departments of Education and Agriculture.

How We Partnered

Grant support provided through the Ulupono Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation



“Students are not only more likely to eat what they grow, but also develop a taste for other types of fresh, locally grown produce. Giving students an appreciation of all the work and effort that goes into growing food instills an appreciation for the importance of our local food system.”