GoFarm Hawaii

Non Profit

GoFarm Hawaii

Local Food Production

Why We Invested

To recruit and train aspiring farmers in Hawaii

At a time when the average age of Hawaii’s farmers is 60 years old, GoFarm Hawaii attracts and trains new farmers with programs and seminars. 

Our Partner

GoFarm Hawaii’s mission is to enhance Hawaii’s food security and economy by increasing the number of local agricultural producers. Under a U.S. Department of Labor grant, GoFarm Hawaii was created by a group of agricultural educators from the University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Agribusiness Incubator Program, and Windward Community College.

How We Partnered

Grant support provided through the Ulupono Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation toward the purchase of tools and maintaining farming equipment, as well as expansion to Hawaii Island and growing existing operations on Maui, Leeward Oahu, and Kauai

“By offering a combination of knowledge, experience, and support designed to assist farmers, they become viable producers in a manner that encourages sustainability.”