Hawaiʻi Good Food Alliance grants now available for eligible food organizations
Oct 28, 2024

Ulupono Initiative wants to let its partners in the food sector know about the launch of the Hawaiʻi Regional Food Business Center’s Noi Hana. This program strives to strengthen Hawaiʻi’s food system by focusing on the agricultural supply chain. Through the initiative, eligible organizations can receive up to $100,000 in funding annually for projects that:
- Provide technical assistance (TA) to food businesses;
- Build connections between producers and buyers; and
- Create new market channels for Hawai‘i-grown products.
This grant comprises $1.3 million of available funding for TA providers and supports projects spanning one to three years that uplift local food access, foster partnerships, and center Hawaiʻi’s indigenous voices.
The Noi Hana applications are being accepted until Nov. 8. To apply or learn more, visit islandsandremoteareasrfbc.com. For any questions, please email rfbc@hawaiigoodfoodalliance.org.