Hawaii DOT launches electric bike and moped rebate program
Mar 29, 2023

The Hawaii Department of Transportation’s (HDOT) electric bike and moped rebate program, authorized in HRS §196-7.8, started on Feb. 28. The program was created to lower overall living costs by reducing transportation expenses through a rebate for eligible residents who purchase an electric bicycle or moped.
The rebate will cover purchases made at a retail store on or after July 1, 2022, on new electric bicycles with speed up to 28 mph or new electric mopeds. The total rebate amount will be 20% of the retail price, or $500, whichever is the lower amount.
“It’s important to empower people to have choices when it comes to their transportation needs, to give people far less expensive options than a car, and it moves us closer to our clean energy goals,” said Hawaii Department of Transportation Director Ed Sniffen. “We embrace multi-modal travel all across our state, and this newest initiative is proof of that.”
An application is required to qualify for a rebate. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and meet one of the following criteria:
- Participate in a low-income assistance program
- Don’t already own a motor vehicle with four or more wheels
- Currently an enrolled student
“We are excited to see this rebate program come to fruition because it supports Ulupono Initiative’s commitment to clean transportation choices and provides community members who don’t own cars, or those looking to replace a car, with more cost-efficient options to meet their daily needs,” said Greg Gaug, Ulupono’s senior vice president of investments and analytics.
According to a report by Ulupono, called The Cost of the Vehicle Economy in Hawaii, personal vehicles cost an additional $16,200 per household per year.
The HDOT reminds electric bike and moped riders of the following safety tips:
- Wear a well-fitted and fastened helmet
- Do not ride on the sidewalk
- Do not carry passengers
- Follow all traffic and road rules
Additional information on the rebate can be found on the HDOT website. A paper application can be requested by calling 808-831-7931.