Youth Climate Advocates Lead in Hawai‘i’s Fight Against Climate Change

Aug 28, 2024

Climate change is a global crisis, and Hawai‘i stands at the forefront of its impacts. From warming waters and coral reef degradation to rising sea levels and drought-induced wildfires, our islands face unique challenges. However, amidst these difficulties, stories of hope and positive action are emerging from our communities. 

Ulupono Initiative has partnered with PBS Hawai‘i to shine a light on these inspiring efforts. Through a series of videos, in-person events for keiki, and practical resources shared across social media and their website, this collaboration aims to engage and educate the public about climate change solutions.

One particularly inspiring story comes from the recent episode “The Youth Advocates Behind Navahine v. Hawai‘i Dept. of Transportation.” This segment highlights the remarkable journey of young climate activists who took on the state government — and won — finding allies within state government leadership.

Navahine and Pāhonu, two of the youth advocates involved in the lawsuit, share their personal experiences of how climate change has affected their communities. Their determination led to a historic settlement agreement, pushing Hawai‘i closer to its zero emissions goals by 2045.

These young leaders exemplify the power of grassroots activism and the vital role youth play in shaping a sustainable future for Hawai‘i. Their story serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action for all of us to engage in climate solutions.

Our Ulupono team encourages you to watch the full episode and explore the entire “Mauka to Makai” series on PBS Hawai‘i’s website. These stories inform and inspire us all to take part in preserving our islands for future generations.

Watch “The Youth Advocates Behind Navahine v. Hawaiʻi Dept. of Transportation”

Explore the entire “Mauka to Makai: Our Kuleana” series